Accidents and emergencies can happen any time, and they can definitely happen while you are in the middle of a highway. Vehicles getting stuck on the road could cause many problems, including traffic congestion in the area. In many of these cases, a towing service would be required.
Because you can never be sure when an accident might happen, it is always best to have a ready number to call in case you need a towing service to come to your aid. Turley Car & Truck’s 24-hour tow truck service is all you need in case you need help.
Professional Service
Turley Car & Truck is an authorised contractor for Allianz Global Assistance. The company boasts a high level of professionalism in all its services, including its towing service. The service is available any time of the day and night.
The company performs regular towing jobs as well as emergency towing for accidents or emergency situations where your car might suddenly break down. Backed by extensive experience and expertise in the vehicle repair business, the company is the right service to trust in important services such as towing.
The company’s tow trucks are capable of towing all types and sizes of vehicles, from cars to small trucks and caravans, machinery and even containers. With Turley’s towing service, you can rest assured that your vehicle will be handled with utmost care because the company is well aware of the proper handling of vehicles in any type of situation.
You can also benefit from the company’s expertise in vehicle repair, such that if you are facing some engine or mechanical troubles, their mechanics can help fix your problem. If it is simply a minor problem, then they can fix it and you will be back on the road.
The company is fully licensed to operate for accident and insurance towing, so they should be the right service to call for your vehicle.
When you call the company’s hotline, you can also rest assured that your call will be picked up quickly so that there is no delay in the rendering of a service. For regular towing jobs, you may contact 3202 1153, and for emergencies after office hours, contact 0307 177679. You can also find out more about the company’s towing services at
Accidents and emergencies are unpredictable, but when they do happen, be sure to have the proper numbers to call. When it comes to a towing service, Turley’s 24-hour towing service is the best choice